Energy & Climate

Natural Resources & The Environment

We believe in safe, sustainable, and secure energy sources that offer coming generations access to fuels and power.

We Support:

  • Increased use of renewable energy sources.

  • Aggressive energy conservation in transportation, commercial, industrial, residential, and governmental sectors.

  • Decreasing dependence on nuclear power.

We believe in leaving the world in better condition than we found it.

We Support:

  • Preservation of biodiversity and wilderness.

  • Strong environmental programs with provisions for strong enforcement that provide for healthy surrounding for all citizens and for sustainable, long term use of natural resources and a strong role for government in environmental protection.

  • Living and working conditions free from significant exposure to poisons and radioactivity in air, water and soil.

  • Responsibility of individuals, businesses and government to notify others of possible environmental hazards, to clean up those they have created, and to compensate others for any resulting damages.

  • Recognize, protect and conserve clean water as a shared resource held in public trust for the health, safety and benefit of the public.

We Oppose:

  • Disposal of hazardous wastes below ground.

  • Nuclear power, as it is not a viable energy source

The DFL Party believes democracy starts at the grassroots.

That is why our process begins at precinct caucuses and continues to conventions at each level to endorse candidates, elect party leaders, and shape the party platform.

These gatherings are an important way to get involved in the democratic process and make your voice heard.